About Ashley Harris

Ashley Harris lives in sunny Arizona. She’s married, and is a stay at home mom to her 5 beautiful children. She fell in love with this thing we call paper crafting when she started scrapbooking in 2006. It began as a way to document her family's memories, and then it became a passion. “I love taking paper and turning it into something to be shared and enjoyed. I love all aspects of this hobby from the creative process to working with other inspiring women to the lasting friendships I have made.” Ashley likes to catch up on movies online while she makes cards. Her go-to adhesive is E-Z Dots Permanent Refillable because they're so handy and they work for everything!
Ashley runs a product review blog, and has designed for several companies. She’s been published in several magazines, and enjoys teaching locally and nationally. She loves to read, sing, play sports and watch movies with her family. Ashley blogs at
The Scrappers Block